Hubbard Pet Resort & Spa
6068 W. Liberty St.  |  Hubbard, Ohio 44425
(330) 534-1200

The Review Newspapers, Niles, Ohio - May 2013
Friendly service, peace of mind care at Hubbard Pet Resort & Spa

When you need boarding, grooming or daycare services for your dog or cat, you want friendly service and peace of mind from people who truly care for your pet. That’s exactly what you’ll get from the professional staff at Hubbard Pet Resort & Spa.


Located at 6068 West Liberty Street in Hubbard, Hubbard Pet Resort & Spa has 62 climate-controlled, spacious private dog suites, each with comfortable, sanitized bedding. The facility also has room for up to 30 cats.


“For dogs we provide five daily potty trips and two daily play times,” said Lesley McBurney, owner. “Cats love the ‘catio,’ our indoor playroom with climbing apparatuses.”


The dog play yards are fenced for the animals’ protection. Artificial turf prevents exposure to mud and weeds, and allows for frequent cleaning to ensure sanitary conditions.


Pets are fed according to their owners’ instructions. “They’re welcome to bring food and treats, along with their pets’ bedding and favorite toys,” said McBurney. “Familiar things add to the animals’ comfort while they’re here.”


Hours for pickup and drop off are Monday through Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon and 3 to 7 p.m.; and Sunday, 4 to 8 p.m. Doggie daycare is available Monday through Saturday. Discounts are available for multiple pets and extended stays.


The grooming salon is open for dog and cat grooming Tuesday through Saturday (closed Sunday and Monday).


“Our promise is that we’ll love your pets like they’re our own,” said McBurney.


Contact Hubbard Pet Resort & Spa at 330-534-1200, or visit them online at